AI Dungeon Project: Viva! Monster Girl Island — Part I

A tale of anime catgirls, luchadores, and 1,000 robots

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash. Placeholder image because I can’t be bothered to upload the actual splash image for this at the moment. Sorry, guys.

First and foremost — you can try out this AI Dungeon world via my AI Dungeon profile here:

Fair warning: I’ve been using AI Dungeon as a dumping ground for a lot of my late-night bright ideas, and some things may not necessarily be SFW. As with any AI at the moment — nothing is guaranteed to be SFW anyway. Caveat adventurer.

Part I of this will be an overview of the first few parts of building this world, talking about the rationale, and walking through how it was created.

Part II centers on more in-depth lore building of factions and locations needed to create worlds in Dungeon AI.

Part III centers on starting an Adventure (the generated stories DAI produces and users interact with) and using the Scenario system (which likely will need an update later on, as the Scenario system is being revamped. As it is, it still works fine for DAI Legacy).

Part IV shows how the output can be used to make a story, and how to use the AI to help you generate characters, storylines, and a more realistic world. This goes more in-depth into technical tweaking of the AI as well (though you’ll need a paid…

