Live Your Purpose with 1 Giant Mind

By Jonni Pollard | May 1, 2018

Jonni Pollard
1 Giant Mind
3 min readApr 30, 2018


The first 1 Giant Mind teachers in training. Brooklyn NYC, Jan - June 2018

At 1 Giant Mind we believe we all share a common purpose to serve the greater good. It’s less about what you do and more about how you do it.

Living your purpose isn’t black and white nor is it necessarily based on what you do. It’s about the connection you have to what you do and the intention for it to be of mutual benefit for everyone.

1 Giant Mind Teacher in Training Anastasia Klaffert

You can do anything in this world and have it serve the greater good if what you do takes into consideration the needs of the greater whole. When we live our purpose we experience the height of satisfaction in life. The things that would normally weigh us down become the things that make us grow.

Meditation seems to be one of the most potent ways to naturally grow this sense of connection and desire to want to contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

Jonni Pollard leading the first Teachers in Training group.

In 2011, we first introduced our free Learn Meditation app (available on the App Store and Google Play), to make learning meditation available to as many people as possible.

Our new phase of the 1 Giant Mind journey, Meditation Teacher Training, has been a labor of love that we wouldn’t trade for anything.

Our Meditation Teacher Training Academy trains our passionate global community to become expert meditation teachers so we can meet the ever growing demand in the world.

Our first 1 Giant Mind Teachers in Training group included eighteen inspiring leaders from different fields and parts of the world. Each volunteered to join us in New York City for the first full run through of the program and the recording of the curriculum for the online platform.

You can do anything in this world and have it serve the greater good if what you do takes into consideration the needs of the greater whole.

1 Giant Mind Teachers in Training

These passionate meditators played a leading role in making this training truly world class. Their experience was just the first of many profound journeys to come for our future 1 Giant Mind Teachers in Training. Deep knowledge was gained, deep bonds were formed and a new sense of meaning around what it means to be a meditation teacher was awoken. We are so excited for this incredible group to be our first 1 Giant Mind Teachers. Although each of these teachers in training have their day time jobs, each of them feel a deep sense of purpose adding the skill of being a mediation teacher to the way they make a contribution to the world.

Upon graduation you are going to hear from each of them about why they chose to become a meditation teacher and how there experience was learning with 1 Giant Mind.

If you have ever felt a calling to do more in the world and you are a passionate meditator, we invite you to apply and allow us to train you how to show others how to awaken their deepest capabilities and live a deeply meaningful life.

We can’t wait to go on the journey with you.



Jonni Pollard
1 Giant Mind

Co-founder of 1 Giant Mind and creator of its meditation Teacher Training Academy.