
One common problem my team and I’ve observed in working with hundreds of companies over the last 30 years is many organizations put branding at the end of a linear process. They consider branding as the icing on the cake, the thing you do after you’ve done everything else. But this way of thinking leads to employees and departments not working for the brand but sometimes against it.

Successful companies don’t view their brand as icing but the cake. And they consider all the other organizational departments and activities in service to the brand.

By putting the brand at the center of the organization, you create a culture that recognizes the importance of delivering on the brand promise and protecting the brand from internal and external forces that erode its integrity. And that bakes-in the rich flavor of the brand into every step of the process.

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Kevin Ervin Kelley, AIA
1-Minute Business Tips

I’m a retail architect that studies human behavior, perception, and decision-making. I’m fascinated with the intersection of where commerce and community meet.