Enjoy Your Food Freedoms While You Can

Helen J
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2024


Photo by Stijn te Strake on Unsplash

All sorts of evils are happening around the world. There is genocide at every corner, and yet let’s enjoy our food freedoms while we can. There are attacks on farmers in the name of climate change one sidedness helped by the media and corporations, and yet I love the raw milk we receive weekly.

My family have been drinking organic A2 raw milk for over 18 months now, and anyone would think we would fall down dead with the awful propaganda that is spoken about raw milk. It is one of the healthiest superfoods available out there. THAT is WHY it is attacked.

Yes, I drank organic raw milk while I was pregnant. My fifteen month old girl drinks organic raw milk.

Before you get angry and judge me, do your own research, as I did.

Raw milk does not taste like kefir. It often comes from jersey cows that carry a higher level of fat so it is very thick and creamy, and the cream is unhomogenised and therefore separated so clumps of cream can fall out as you pour.

The meat and dairy industry is being bullied by the vegans, the rich think tanks that want you to eat GMO foods, and all of these climate change organisations, while forgetting about who feeds them. Society is absolutely bonkers in its one sided science. Sure, they may have the money to sway everyone onto their side of the panic, but Jesus will one day to rule and reign for his Millennium reign, so why believe a load of reprobate minded leaders and organisations who hate Jehovah God. They have their own agenda.

If you do love meat and dairy, please support your local farmers however you can. Visit your local butchers, join a raw milk farmer, and enjoy the freedoms of these delicious foods while you still can. Boost your immune system with the healthiest superfoods while you still can, because these desperate Governments who hate their people will eventually get their Globalist one world order, under the short time reign of the antichrist, who is under the control of Satan himself. The world then will be absolutely terrifying, but I do believe there will be a huge number of people who turn to Christ during that time.



Helen J

First time mom at 42. Sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder and Dermatillomania. Believer in Jesus Christ. Passionate about fitness and nutrition.