Flail Victoria!

Flurries of fake news in re Vic Falls failing have fallen.

2 min readDec 30, 2019


It’s a modern Mark Twain quote: Rumors of her demise are exaggerated.

Pictures appeared last week claiming that Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe’s greatest tourist attraction, has gone dry.

The rumor is somewhat true. But the pictures, it turns out, were taken at an angle that maximized the dry portion.

Image Courtesy 702

You can imagine tourists are disappointed to find the Falls looking like the second photo rather than the first. I too was frightened. Some of the best moments of my life were at this location.

But it’s not global warming or Manangagwa’s assuault that’s at fault here. It’s just the end of the dry season. Six months of low or no rain are usual.

There’s nothing going on here. You can move on folks.

But here’s a story: a friend told me that it was easy to get across the South Africa-Zim border at Beitbridge for the Christmas holidays, a time the road is usually impassable. This year no Zimbos were going home. So it’s not just the Falls that have dried up.



Michael Lee

I’m a Creativity & Innovation expert, trainer, speaker, writer, thinker, filmmaker living in NY & South Africa https://innovation.createyourcreativity.tv