Good Luck, Labour in Cancelling Christianity

Helen J
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2024


Photo by Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash

The world has gone bonkers. As a Child of God, I can only see demonic activity, especially when this rage is against Christianity. All other religions are fine, but the real problem (according to them) is Christianity.

WHY? I’ll tell you why.

Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. They hate Jesus. He is the true light. The true King. The true God-Man. They hate followers of Jesus who testify of Him. And another major problem these Jehovah haters have is that the Holy Spirit is still in the world (in believers) convicting the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgement.

So all of these laws that Labour want to put into place to cancel Christianity is only going to make the light of Christ even more brighter to this lost world. What can they do, seeing they are so desperate to put out His light. Put people in prison, which is just a waste of police, prison, and court resources. Kill Christians. Look what God did to the unbeliever Saul of Tarsus who helped the religious elites to stone Steven, and Paul’s writings are an inspiring read every day.

Pray that the Lord sends more labourers into this world, because people need the good news (the gospel). We are all sinners, which means to miss the mark of God’s perfection, and we all need a Saviour in Jesus who died for our sins and rose again to give eternal life to everyone who will place their trust alone in Him. Salvation is a free gift, but discipleship can be costly.

So all of these other religions are perfectly fine to practice and preach, just not Christianity. Even silent praying outside abortion clinics is offensive to the UK police. Who considers those poor innocent babies who are being murdered? Who gave these police officers life? The Lord is their maker. Do they ever thank Him for life? There are so many ungrateful haters of God and it’s tiresome because they are being deceived by Satan every day. He hates them too.

Labour will NEVER cancel Christianity. No nation can cancel Christianity whether you write it into law or not.


Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.Matthew 5:10–11



Helen J

First time mom at 42. Sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder and Dermatillomania. Believer in Jesus Christ. Passionate about fitness and nutrition.