It’s Just a Matter of Time Before…

Helen J
Published in
2 min read3 days ago


Photo by Mark Stuckey on Unsplash
  1. These TV screens along our roads, yes those by Alight Media etc, are on our motorways.

It’s dangerous enough to be on the public roads, as it is distracting and our eyes should remain only on the road. When these TV screens first came out, I complained to the relevant authority, only to be ignored. Its disgraceful. Once they are on the motorways, it will surely be scary, because there will be another dose of distraction, together with the selfish idiots who use their mobile phone at the wheel on the motorways.

2. We are charged tax to breathe.

All of this carbon neutral, net zero, reduce CO2 propaganda will eventually rise to a tax on the human being. I think these tyrants who promote this huge fraud should go back to school and learn about how important CO2 is for the planet, especially food growth. They just want more money out of us, as if they are not wealthy enough.

These are just my thoughts on the future. I am no prophet, just an observer of what is obsessed about in the media, and Labour are fully on board with the climate change fraud.



Helen J

First time mom at 42. Sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder and Dermatillomania. Believer in Jesus Christ. Passionate about fitness and nutrition.