Royal Mail and Dangerous Goods

Helen J
Published in
1 min readMay 29, 2024


When I received a letter telling me that a recent parcel I gifted to the US was found to breach their dangerous goods transport regulations, and they therefore disposed of the parcel accordingly, it immediately made me think: how on earth do perfumes even get into the US? FFS, I managed to send two of the same perfumes to Israel without any problems, so what’s the issue.

And what is this disposal? Thrown in the bin? I doubt it. It’s gone into Friday evening gift box where the disposed items are kept and given away to staff members.

Basically, it’s just theft from Royal Mail.

I’ve not rated Royal Mail for a long time, and sadly their disgraceful regulations have shown them to be a bunch of expensive thieves. So I pay £15 and label it with the correct warning labels, etc, plus the perfume, and it’s the customer who loses out.

What an easy way to obtain lots of free perfumes. I guess they call the freebie box, the idiot box.

It was Royal Mail I used to send the same items (2 bottles x 100ml) to Israel in January, without any issues, but it makes me wonder — how on earth does any perfume get into the US?

Bunch of greedy lying hypocrites hiding under ‘safety’ regulations.



Helen J

First time mom at 42. Sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder and Dermatillomania. Believer in Jesus Christ. Passionate about fitness and nutrition.