Redundancy is your friend

Dan Gärdenfors
1-minute UX snacks
Published in
1 min readJan 17, 2022

Q: How do you know there’s an elephant in your bed?

A: It has an E on its pyjamas.

Why is this joke so funny? Well, there’s just something bizarre about someone who needs a clue to realise that the huge creature in their bed is an elephant. The redundancy of the letter E makes it ridiculous.

But how about redundancy in UX design? Too often, designers make the mistake of under-communicating since we know too much about a product. We forget what it’s like to see something for the first time since we have the curse of knowledge.

So, always assume people might need to see something many times before they understand it. Don’t be afraid to over-communicate to make people notice and remember your main message.

Express your point carefully.

Visualise it with images.

Then say it again in a different way.

Add emphasis with font variations, icons or even emojis 📣

Now repeat this five times: Redundancy is your friend.

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Dan Gärdenfors
1-minute UX snacks

Designer & communicator at We design digital products and help teams communicate better through web pages, videos or presentations.