Extreme Frugalism — Is It Worth It?

Why we are trying to save 40% of our take home pay

Jamie Murray
Understanding Money


The journey towards financial security is a long and difficult road of dedication, grind and the constant weight of having to make sensible, unemotional decisions. After a while, you get to thinking what you can do to light a fire under your financial planning, and quicken the pace towards the dreamy goal of financial freedom. Enter Extreme Frugality and the quest to save 40% of take home pay.

The Foundation Of Financial Freedom

Financial Freedom is a term that is banded around without much consideration these days. Once, it was a term that needed clarifying, a term that was pretty obscure and only understood by those with a savvy financial education.

Now however, it seems not only that most people understand the concept, but that its the cool thing to be pursuing. The truth is, those that are pursuing it with intent and understanding, realise how god damn hard their long term goals are.

For families like mine, we also understand how silly we were for not getting on board sooner. We started in our thirties, and we need to bear down with twice the intensity to achieve the same result as those younger than us. We had debt when we were younger, we spent poorly when we were…



Jamie Murray
Understanding Money

Father, Rescue Pilot & Writer. Read my popular story on money with 22k views https://bit.ly/3DnqWmz