How to “Beat the Clock” and Reach Max Potential At Your Job and Home

We do not have to be time’s slave; we can make it work for us instead.

Dawn Bevier
8 min readAug 2, 2019


Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Wherever you live, whatever you do, whoever you are, there is no more precious commodity than time. Our very existence is a minute by minute essay on the quandary of time-how to spend it, how to stop it, how to savor it.

No man is more powerful than the mighty clock, but, if we learn to befriend this master dictator, we can make him our ally and use his power to achieve our greatest potential.

Using Time to Achieve Peace: The Beauty of Waking Up With the Sun

Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

Time, that sometimes tyrannical being, is most gentle in the early morning. All its enemies are still asleep, nestled snug in their beds. The children who will steal your minutes of tranquility with moans for breakfast.The bosses who will give you impossible deadlines. The traffic that will eat up your last reserves of patience. Some of life’s most beautiful moments are those spent in silence with just you, your thoughts, and a warm cup of coffee or tea.

