How to Transform Your Writing in 5 Minutes a Day

Read this if you don’t think you have time to write

Jasper Thorne
Game Of Words


Sticky note on a cork board with a lightbulb drawing on it.
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

What comes to mind when you think about writing?

Many people imagine someone in self-imposed seclusion, torturing themselves with endless scraps of paper and slaving over the keyboard, often while downing one too many alcoholic drinks.

Writing is treated as some esoteric ritual by our society, one that requires lots of time, money, and anxiety.

Well, the anxiety part isn’t wrong, but…

What if I told you that you could improve your writing in as little as five minutes a day? What if you could fit it in amidst your already crazy life, and have something to show for it?

No secret hermit cave needed. Promise.

The Need to Do It “Right”

Oftentimes, we adopt this all or nothing strategy when it comes to accomplishing something we want. If we can’t do it 100%, we tell ourselves, why try?

This is a harmful belief, and I’ll show you why.

“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.” — Lemony Snicket

