Medium Week 3: I’m $41.73 Richer

Well, my MPP earnings were a pleasant surprise this week.

T.S. Johnson
Med Daily


Finding Time When There Is No Time

No major insights on Medium this week, largely because I’m still playing catch up with these posts since I was out of commission for a couple of days earlier this week. This last week has definitely been a lesson in finding time to write when there seemingly is no time to do much of anything.

I would say I have some great schedule in place and can dedicate x-amount of hours to writing a day…I cannot. When I decided to get serious about Medium my mother learned she’d have to have her third open-heart surgery in 10 years. I’m her primary caregiver now that she’s post-surgery, so my time has not been my own.

I’ve had to carve out time to write when I can and that hasn’t been easy and most days leaves me feeling like I’m not accomplishing enough, not just on Medium but my regular freelance work in general. So, to get the MPP update that I’d made $41.73 my third week on the site, I was pretty pleased. That sum almost guarantees I’ll hit my $100 goal for my first 30 days and that makes me happy considering how little I’ve been able to work.

Anywho, on to the numbers:

