Settle for Becoming “Good Enough”

Zita Fontaine
Your Life. Your Voice.
8 min readMay 18, 2019


Because perfect is overrated and unsustainable…

I know you have all been there because I read all your articles about it. I know you have all felt it because I felt it with you when reading through your lines and phrases. I was scared for you with you — little knowing that the feeling will come for me too.

And then it did. It’s here. I’m feeling it in my bones and in the shivering when I can’t fall asleep at night. I feel it when I hit publish, closing half-eye, or better even, looking away, or down at my shoes, like a kid who knows she did something bad and now it will be discovered, the world will learn about it and she will be humiliated for it. And that kid — inside me — is almost waiting for the humiliation to come, because no matter how bad that gets it’s still better than the uncertainty of being discovered.

When I was a child, I was incapable of lying. I just couldn’t do it. My mum asked me about the school, and it was a simple question. I immediately felt it was an inquisition and I started to tell her all my secrets: of not talking nicely to one of my classmates, of failing to answer a question in class, of not listening to the teacher but looking at the birds on the trees.

I preferred the truth to be out — than the fear of it being discovered on someone else’s terms.



Zita Fontaine
Your Life. Your Voice.

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail