What If Your Ex Suddenly Comes Back To You?

How do I know he really loves me?

Jocelyn Soriano
*The Inspirer


Photo by Shamim Nakhaei on Unsplash

Sometimes, the most unexpected things happen. Just when we thought we’re beginning to heal and move on, our “ex” suddenly wants to make up. What do we do then? What if he or she suddenly comes back?

Here are some questions worth considering when your ex shows up and suddenly wants to make up:

1. Have you already decided the best course of action for yourself?

Have you thoroughly reflected about what happened? Could you still see a possibility for reconciliation? Was the separation you wanted temporary or permanent?

2. Are you ready to take him back?

Have you healed enough? Are you ready to begin again considering everything that has happened in the past? Do you now have a support system of family and friends to keep you balanced and secure?

3. Is he ready to return to the relationship?

Is he willing to work things out to save the relationship? Has he shown signs of change if there were some things in his behavior or thought patterns that were unacceptable to you before? If he was violent, has he sought psychological help and shown recovery?

