Why You Should Try Listening on Repeat

Zita Fontaine
Your Life. Your Voice.
5 min readMay 17, 2019


Boosting productivity with listening to the same song all the time

Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

Music has always been an essential part of my life. My Dad was a true music lover and I grew up listening to music from all genres and all eras. The radio was always on, something was always playing.

At University I used to study listening to music in libraries and at home and on the bus. Never once in my life went on a run without music, there was not a single trip I took when I didn’t have my Walkman, Discman, MP3 player, iPod or later my phone chock-full of music I loved.

I started to use music consciously as a productivity booster when open offices became a thing — and the distraction of people chatting around me was unbearable and very ineffective. I was happy to be the social one who chats next to the watercooler, but I never had any problems to plug my earphones in and shut the world out, to be able to focus on just that one thing that needed my full attention.

Then I got to a more senior level, where my job consisted mostly of strategic thinking, research, insight creation — and every other thing that needs focus and deep concentration more than just carrying out the tasks mechanically.

This is when I started to listen to music in a weird way.

One song, on repeat, for…



Zita Fontaine
Your Life. Your Voice.

Writer. Dreamer. Hopeless romantic. Newsletter: zita.substack.com Email me: zitafontaine (at) gmail