Wow, I made more money on Medium last week than in all of 2018!

In eight months of writing for Medium in 2018, I made $231 total. I just managed to make even more than that… in a single week!

Brian Rowe
7 min readSep 22, 2019
Photo by Caleb Woods at Unsplash

This is definitely a milestone on Medium I don’t hit very often.

Since I went all-in on March 1st writing and publishing at least three new Medium stories a day, my number of views, reads, and fans — not to mention, my income — has gone up pretty much every single week, or at least has stabilized.

Nothing super dramatic happened last week. Nothing extreme. But still, it left me super excited for the possibilities of what’s to come!

Most of what I write has to do with writing. You all seem to like those stories the best. But I try to experiment at least twice a week in different topics, and you’ve also embraced a lot of those stories as well, which makes me grateful.

To be able to write whatever I want to write on Medium has been a thrill like no other. And to keep building success on the site continues to fill my heart with joy. Because it means I’m going to stick around for another week, another month, and write more great stories to share with you all.

