You Won’t Be Successful — If You “Just” Want It.

Life won’t give you what you want, life will give you what you really, really want.

Hardik Mangukiya
9 min readMay 20, 2019


My friend reached to me and asked about what I am doing. He revealed his frustration;

“I am not enjoying my job, and I need something else which I love exploring. What you are doing right now?”

I replied. “I started writing on Medium.” He interrupted me between the lines. “So, basically you are a writer. That’s cool. I don’t enjoy my work. Once I deemed I would be a writer. would you help me learn about writing?” I said. “Yes, but what you will write here, you have an idea or story about anything? You may have life experiences or something that people can learn from it.”

He answered. “I don’t have anything new. And I don’t know how to do this. But I thought it’d be a lucrative idea to be a writer. It has a better earning potential, isn’t it?”

I doubted. “Yes, being the writer has a great opportunity, but you must have excellent writing and storytelling skills.” He finally addressed the point. “Okay, but how much you are earning from posting on Medium?” I replied. “$6.19 after 15 days of work.”

And then he apprised me. “Do something different that will make you more money.”

Most people just want to try. Actually, they first collect information, and within a few minutes, they ask you clearly. “How much you are making?”

Most people influence of money, fame, status, position, or external gain. If something is lucrative and has excellent money making potential, they are ready.

I don’t have only one friend’s story. More than 50 people questioned me because they want to be a content writer or YouTuber. They think online business is simple and can be operated with mouse clicks.

I have done 20+ various jobs but never earned more than $20. This is the reality. I am not assuming that it will be your story. But, if you are just here to “just want” money, your story will be the same. I have done it for only money.

But after numbers of experience, I can say it’s just a myth that crushing on the internet is more straightforward than a traditional business.

Blogging, writing, video creation, digital marketing is not everyone’s cup of tea. It demands a much deeper understanding of “why.”

You Won’t Get What You Want, You Will Get What You “Badly” Want.

“Gurus,” tell you. “You will get what you want.”

I am saying. “No, you don’t.” I have wasted two valuable years on exploring different activities which I am not even engaged but have begun for money.

Most people just crave to make a living from the internet, but it’s still not that straightforward.

In the past three years, I learned a critical perspective.

Don’t do things that you “just want” it. Do things that you “really, really, really” want it.

If you just want it, it may be influenced by money, fame, or surface level factors. But if you really aspire it, then it’s something more profound.

Jay Shetty, a famous YouTuber, and storyteller observed that he never noticed a successful man with a comfortable past.

Everyone who has enormous success has painful life experiences.

Deep work or passion evolve from emotional reason, not from logical ones.

I had gone through 5 heartbreaks and have explored 20 different things, so, I believed it would be helpful for others.

No one in the world who knows the internet from one month and started making $1000 consistently — It’s just myth.

And it’s not words that you show it, your actions matters. Suppose, you affirm that you desire to help people regardless of money. But, if it’s not coming, you are likely to quit and excuses that why it’s not working.

I can say if you are here to transform the world than you can execute it. Otherwise, you lose patience.

It’s not “just want” thing. It’s how “badly” you want.

Suppose, some people push your neck under water. You are suffocating, Tell me, how hard you try to come out? You would try your 100%. Right? Because if you don’t, you will die.

It’s that true in online business or any business. If you just try, you won’t get it.

It Takes More Than You Think.

Anything you do, it demands more than you think. Uncontrolled variables are not under your arms.

Most of our projects are determined based on unreliable expectations. For example, most people think online business is not that difficult. They assume if they work three to four hours a day, and just communicate basic ideas. People will come and buy their products. This is far from reality.

Suppose, if you understand how to do certain things, still it requires a lot of time. Because you are not only one, other thousands of people are struggling for the same dreams.

As tight as the competition is, you have to put an extra mile above all.

Some people are experienced, they are masters and crafted their art. So, if you are beginner, be ready for enough work.

You need smart work in a hard way. Every day you discover something, apply and experiment. Over time, you will have a next level skill.

It takes serious efforts plus personality traits like patience, adaptability, acceptance, grit, and perseverance. And essentially, time. Yes, there are success stories in a shorter time, but it’s not that much short.

As much as you determine realistically, you will outwork 95% of your competitors.

Nearly everyone is contemplating imaginary business, which is further from the truth.

Investigate the successful people in your field. How many years are they in the business? How they made it and what you have unique to manifest in the world.

It Requires More Failures Than You Could Imagine.

We are stretching failures too much. Suppose you absolutely put efforts to write the first piece and it received 2 views after one week. What would you think? Most people discontinue writing after 5 articles. They think like this;

“if my first piece didn’t get much traction, second would be sure. If not, the third or fourth would be definitely.” But if none of the articles get more than 10 views, they quit.

This is the truth of most people. Whether your article gets traction or not, you are writing here without considering too much is required.

You need thousands of failed efforts. I tell you what reality is, the next paragraph is the answer to my friend.

See, you need to produce ideas, write drafts, edit it, replace the words, check grammatical errors, find appropriate images, again read and review every sentence, send it to publication and wait until they publish. Sometimes, you have to change the structure of the post as per their needs.

Sometimes, you get 50 views and sometimes it’s just 5. But you have to produce it. Every day, not only quality work but quantity work.

Still, it’s not a personal brand, you need to think outside of this platform, you require a more in-depth vision to build the business. Writing is not dependent on Medium. You need to create the courses, develop a coaching package, and fight a totally different battle.

This is the perfect answer to my friend, who is just pretending my failure because I am making $6.19 after 15 days of work.

Still, all this is not that hard. But the difficult part is you have to fail hundreds of times in each stage. Because you are new. And It’s an intricate process. You can’t be there with just wishing it.

Sometimes, you have an arduous day, other time, the situation happens as you anticipated. And this is repetitious. Every day, you have to confront new issues. Things are evolving, shifting, and forming. You need to adopt the reality.

This is the path to success — You lose if you quit.

It expects a more in-depth understanding and purpose.

It Requires More Critics And Rejections.

People scrutinize your work even you put your best. They despise it, they reject and leave offensive comments. What would you do?

They throw taunts because you are not making enough, they compare you with a so-called successful guy. This is the actuality of “just want” and “badly want.”

And remember, if you are failing, everybody gives their “best” advice. They believe you are a loser and anyhow you want to get out of the situation.

It pains. Sometimes, you think people are uncaring. They love money and status. Suppose, If you are famous, they want to be your fans. that’s the reality of the world.

If you own a deeper purpose, only than you can get it.

“Just Want” Is The Try, Not Thoughtful Action.

Yes, if you just crave something, tell me why you want it? Honestly, you are just trying, not serious about this.

Clarity brings sincerity and discipline.

Get absolute clarity and then give a shot.

I can write consistently here even if I haven’t written in English. I have posted 22 article and daily writing new ones. How can it be conceivable in the first try? Because I am absolutely clear about my goals and results. What I want and why I am doing this?

60% Is Under Your Control.

I told the adversarial part of the story. It’s that hard to make significant progress, but still, you can make it.

Let’s see 60/20/10/10 rule.

Anything you do, 60% of the situation you can dominate, and it’s a central part of the process.

For example, no matter what other people tell you, but still you can generate new ideas, improve writing, and spend time more than your competitors.

You can check small details and avoid making the mistakes. So, you will have command over the situation.

Other 20% is half controllable. Means some situations happen according to your expectations, and some may not. It’s the total of 20%. For example, here you have to face the publishing delay. So, it’s not under your control.

10% situation is currently uncontrolled, but in future, you will get the benefits. Like you will be awarded top writer status or go viral and rewarded with a tremendous following.

And the last 10% situation is completely out of control. You have to adapt and accept it anyhow. You can’t change it. For example, the curation process and Medium itself.

So, it occurs in your business also. Your relationship is divided into this percentage.

It depends on where is your focus? Are you measuring 60% or wishing other 40% to have control over everything.

Let’s Find What You “Badly” Want.

You need an emotionally engaging experience to transform lives. To make something big.

When I had my first heartbreak, I decided to help people to have a better relationship and save them for future mistakes. It was hard for me, so other people are feeling the same as me.

I don’t have to think like whether I should do or not. My experience fuels me.

Yes, I am drowning to business, but it’s influential than that. It’s calling. I am not here to just want it, but I want it badly.

Decide whether you want to just waste your time by concentrating on hoping, or forming life purpose that change something.

Because life won’t give you what you want, life will give you what you really, really want.



Hardik Mangukiya

Big believer in Positive Psychology, writing about productive and thriving life.