Heracles & the Hydra, Paestan black-figure hydraC6th B.C., J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu

“You Don’t Have to Do This.”

Yeah…they do.

1 min readSep 15, 2013


You see the eyes turn, the language changes, the body language changes.
Someone is about to—or already has—betrayed you, or otherwise unpleasantly surprised you.

Or perhaps this person doesn’t respect or value you as much as you thought.

Maybe that reciprocity you’d hoped for just isn’t coming back…you’d hoped it might.

You don’t see this kind of thing unless it’s in retrospect.

On further reflection, you think, “Wow…you don’t have to do this.”

Yeah…they do.

But by this point, it isn’t worth discussing.

As you interact or dialogue with them, you start to question yourself with a hard-to-name discomfort, because another pivot is in order. It’s your “move.”

They do have to do [this thing,] and they’re going to keep on doing it.

This is their “normal.”

The situation might feel crazy, but you’ll need to stay sane: you’re going to have to be the one to walk away.


Shakti P.




Writer, Artist,Musician.A fellow creative, fashioning a room/voice of my own,just like you. “Life looks for life.”- Carl Sagan. | #Montessori | #fem2 | #edtech