For my biggest fan out there

A tribute to my dad

Marcella Koopman
10 in 10 Challenge
3 min readJun 21, 2021


Last week it was my dad’s 65th birthday and this Sunday it was Fathersday. It has been a while since I have seen him. As we cannot travel at the moment, I couldn’t give him a hug and drink a cup of coffee with him. I am my father’s daughter, that is clear for everyone who knows both of us.

For almost 35 years of your 65 years, you are a father, my dad. This one is for you, for being this person for all these years, for me not being there on your birthday this year and missing out on a hug on Fathersday.

Thank you, dad, for…

Me and my dad
  1. not getting mad when I got shitty grades (but you were very disappointed which is actually even worse…).
  2. calming me down when I am frustrated or scared.
  3. reading bedtime stories for hours and hours when I was little.
  4. taking me to all the violin practices (which I never prepared for).
  5. putting up with my stubbornness (to be fair, I got it from you).
  6. being on stage with me and teach me how to perform.
  7. helping me out with homework.
  8. the flowers you get me on my birthdays since I turned 18.
  9. protecting me.
  10. going to the theatre with me.
  11. coming around my place for a cup of coffee.
  12. smile at me when I need it the most.
  13. doing the night walks with the dog I wanted and promised to walk…
  14. picking me up from the clubs when I was a teenager (and no, at that time I definitely was not thankful for it).
  15. playing the dolphin in the swimming pool.
  16. conquering the ocean waves with me.
  17. teaching me morals and values.
  18. the amazing photo albums of our holidays.
  19. inspiring me to write.
  20. talking sense into me when I am not making any sense.
  21. for being the best support a daughter needs.
  22. being my mentor when I needed it.
  23. your signature clown on all of my cards.
  24. always writing (sometimes cringey) poems on special occasions.
  25. having solid emotions when I am weak.
  26. the silly voices and characters you played when we were growing up.
  27. giving me an example of how a marriage can be.
  28. always being there to listen to me.
  29. letting me go and explore who I am.
  30. letting me give up on old dreams, even though you wanted me to keep them.
  31. letting me follow my dreams, even when they hurt you.
  32. never giving up believing in me.
  33. making me aware I am loved.
  34. being so proud of me, even when I doubt myself.
  35. being the dad I need to have.

Thank you, dad, for being my greatest. I miss you and hope to see you soon here so I can show you how well you raised me.

Welcome to the ‘For Blog’s Sake!’ edition. My brain farts and crazy thoughts about life. This edition is part of the 10 stories in 10 days challenge. Want to read more about this challenge, click here. Want to read more of my articles, click here!



Marcella Koopman
10 in 10 Challenge

Learned from experience. A classic over-thinker with high-functioning anxiety but comes with good intentions. Change starts with you