Financial Hubs Celebrate UAE Flag Day 2017

10 Leaves
10 Leaves
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017

Despite hectic end-of-the-week activities, it seems like just about everybody has set some time aside to celebrate — and Twitter is already filled with #UAEFlagDay 2017 updates!

Leading financial hubs Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC) also took the time off to commemorate the date with a flag-raising ceremony:

The DIFC press release states that His Excellency Essa Kazim, the Governer of DIFC, led the celebrations that took place in the area in front of the DIFC Gate building.

“The UAE Flag Day is a very special day for us at DIFC. It is an occasion where we celebrate the core values of our community and the UAE as a whole — which are unity and diversity. As a global financial hub, we pride ourselves to be home to some of the world’s most respected institutions, all contributing to the mosaic of the DIFC community in their own way. This is what defines us and what makes Dubai the global city it is today. Thanks to the vision of our leadership, we have a strong foundation to build on and to continue the journey of prosperity and success for this nation.” he said.

The day may soon be over, but the celebrations may still go on until the UAE National Day on December 2. This is the ideal time not just to admire the creativity and passion that fuels the Emirati spirit, but also to get to know more about the country’s rich history, the Founding Fathers, and the journey it had to make to get to where it is today.



10 Leaves
10 Leaves

We are a consultancy based in the ADGM and the DIFC, in the United Arab Emirates.