Food for Thought #25: MVP, Agile Techniques, Tech Debt, Disruption Patterns

Stefan Wolpers
Food for Agile Thought
4 min readJan 24, 2016


Age of Product’s Food for Thought of January 24th, 2016 covers: Minimum viable products best practices, the misallocation of talent for yet another on-demand service, how not make irrelevant products, agile meets “good enough” philosophy, agile estimation techniques, what is technical debt, the failure of side-projects, patterns of disruption, the year of WeChat commerce, scaling a product from the niche to the masses, and Silicon Valley’s unicorn valuation problem.

Yevgeniy Brikman: A Minimum Viable Product Is Not a Product, It’s a Process

It’s the same story again and again. First, a team comes up with an idea. Next, they build a minimum viable product (MVP) as a proof of concept, spending a lot of time arguing about which features to include or exclude from the MVP. Finally, if the MVP works well, they plan on building the full, mature, stable product.

Source: A Minimum Viable Product Is Not a Product, It’s a Process

Author: Yevgeniy Brikman

umair haque: The Instant Gratification Economy

Millions of people-hours of effort, imagination, ideas, plans…a generation’s most talented engineers and managers, thinkers and visionaries, entrepreneurs and academics mopping their brows working furiously on the noble challenge of…curing cancer? fixing climate change? extending the human lifespan? mining asteroids? eradicating global poverty? Nope….same day delivery.

Source: The Instant Gratification Economy

Author: Umair Haque

Nikkel Blaase (via Co.Design): How To Avoid Making Products No One Wants

Product thinking gives designers the ability to build the right features for the right people. It helps solidify understanding of the user experience as a whole; not purely as the design of features. It makes sure designers tackle real user problems and reduces the risk of building something nobody wants.

Source: Co.Design: How To Avoid Making Products No One Wants

Author: Nikkel Blaase

Graham Lea (via Medium): Are You Being Too Agile?

Agile turned me from a chronic futurist into a raging pragmatist, which was quite a turnaround. I now often refer to myself as “a reformed perfectionist”, as I really do have an innate desire to do everything immaculately, but through learning how useful software can be built one highest-priority step at a time.

I’ve come to realise that “good enough for today” is a great motto for most facets of life.

Source: Medium: Are You Being Too Agile?

Author: Graham Lea

Vikram Singh (via Scrum Alliance): Agile Estimation Techniques

One of the key advantages of adopting an Agile work flow is the team’s ability to estimate new work effectively.

Source: Scrum Alliance: Agile Estimation Techniques

Author: Vikram Singh

kellan (via Medium): Towards an understanding of technical debt

The term is being abused, or at least dangerously overloaded. There are at least 5 distinct things we mean we say “technical debt”.

Source: Medium: Towards an understanding of technical debt

Author: kellan

Chris Savage (via Wistia): Why Most Company Side Projects Are Destined to Fail

CEO Chris Savage the failure of the “50 Grove” side project — a video production market-place — within Wistia.

“We didn’t have the time or means to give 50 Grove what it needed, so the enormity of the project put us all under a lot of strain.”

Source: Wistia: Why Most Company Side Projects Are Destined to Fail

Author: Chris Savage

(via Deloitte Univ Press): Patterns of Disruption Case Studies

Disruptive innovation doesn’t just happen at random. History shows that it’s possible to identify specific patterns of disruption — disruptive strategies that, when combined with certain marketplace trends, can topple industry incumbents.

Source: Deloitte Univ Press: Patterns of Disruption Case Studies

Chris Messina (via Medium): 2016 will be the year of conversational commerce

Nearly a year ago today, I wrote a post inventorying the forebears to what I believe has become the dominant trend of consumer computing apps in 2016, a trend that I dubbed Conversational Commerce and have tracked with the hashtag #ConvComm.

Source: Medium: 2016 will be the year of conversational commerce

Author: Chris Messina

Boris Wertz (via Version One Ventures): Moving from the niche to the masses

But, the key question is: after you nail down a niche, how do you expand into the mainstream and capture a bigger piece of the pie? There are three strategies…

Source: Version One Ventures: Moving from the niche to the masses

Author: Boris Wertz

(via Forbes): Silicon Valley’s $585 Billion Problem

VCs have pumped up the value of the “unicorn” startups. Now tech IPOs are in trouble. Good luck getting out.

Source: Forbes: Silicon Valley’s $585 Billion Problem

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Stefan Wolpers
Food for Agile Thought

I have worked for 18-plus years as a Scrum Master, Product Owner, and agile coach. Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) with