Top 10 Things I have Learned by Exploring Javascript Today.

The Biggest News of the day worldwide is the Gates Divorce News. After wasting some useful time on that, I make my day somewhere valuable by learning more about JavaScript. So I will give a brief description of what I have learned so far.

  1. Creator of JavaScript

First of all its may sounds silly that being a javascript developer for about five months, I don’t know who was created it. So First thing I learned that Brendan Eich created javascript in 1995 while he was an engineer at Netscape.

2. All the JavaScript Types

From the beginning of my learning about JavaScript. So far, I only know three types of javascript. i)Number, ii)Sting, and iii) Boolean. But today, I have learned that there are more types of javascript:

  • Number
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Symbol (new in ES2015)
  • Object
  • Function
  • Array
  • Date
  • RegExp
  • null
  • undefined

3. Recursive functions

As I know that JavaScript function can make a code more organized, useful, and smart. Other than that, I also learned today that if we use recursive functions, it is very useful when you are dealing with three structures.

4. Custom Objects

Although I didn’t understand this topic that much. But one thing I took from the study that these custom objects can have properties and methods together. So that If anyone or A user information can easily be structured and stored in the database.

5. JavaScript String

Today I also explored more about JavaScript String. We all know stings are useful for holding data so that we can represent it in text form.

6. JavaScript Number

isNaN, parseFloat and parseInt. Yes, These three things I have explored today about Javascript Number. Number.isNaN() help you to check the passed value is NaN. If you want to convert a number to a string, you can use Number.parseFloat(). This is also done the same thing as parseFloat() do. And last but not least, the Number.parseInt() method converts a string and returns an integer of the specified radix or base.


7. JavaScript Math

When I first learned about Math functions, I really like playing around with them. Because handling decimals in JavaScript Number is easy with it, with Abs, ceil, floor, min, max, random, round, sqrt you can easily convert the Number as your need. So what have I learned new about Math today? I just only one new thing learned about Math today, which is sqrt. sqrt’s full abbreviation is the square root. Math.sqrt() return a square root of a number. I am not going to do anything square root, at least now. But at least I know there is a javascript Math function for convert a number to square root.

8. JavaScript Array

Yes, for every web developer who needs to handle the backend, know that without javascript array, it's impossible. Array helps us to have big amount of data to store in the backend.

9. JavaScript is Awsome.

Yes, so far, I have learned today or the last 4 months. JavaScript is so easy to learn and easy to explore. That’s why day by day, it leads the industry.

10. Why should you learn JavaScript?

I started learning it with my course, which is Complete Web Development Course with Jhankar Mahbub. And it's just starting. I will grow myself more and more as a professional javascript developer. Because with that you can have a great web development carrier. There are tons of job Circulars for javascript developers. So don’t just wait to start it now.

Bonus Part

SSL Certificate

I know about the SSL long enough ago because I have a website which is When I try to buy my hosting and domain from NameCheap, they suggest buying an SSL certificate. At that time, I have learned about it. On an easy note, without an SSL certificate, Google or any search engine will not have a good vibe from you. And if you are an e-commerce site or a small site where people can buy something, you must have an SSL certificate. Because without that, your customer will not feel secure to make a payment, and also, many of the payment integration will not allow you to add their system on your website. So SSL Certificate is so important for anyone who wants a good reputation for their website and wants to make feel their customer safe.


So that’s for today. Please give feedback because this is my first blog ever. Your feedback can help me to make myself a better writer. And yes, I really sad about the gates separation.



Shariful Pradhan Hridoy
10 things I have learned by exploring Java Script

My name is Shariful Pradhan Hridoy. I am a Web Developer, and I'm very passionate and dedicated to my work. With wide experience as a React Web developer.