#38 — Medium’s courage

10 things worth sharing each week.

10 Things Worth Sharing
2 min readJan 11, 2017


Hi there,

  1. The hot topic this week would be Ev Williams’ Renewing Medium’s focus, which he announced to reduce the team by about one third.
  2. Medium has been writer’s new playground since wordpress and ghost. People love the community Medium creates for writers and readership.
  3. It’s a surprise and makes publications worry.
  4. I immediately think of the post Reconsider by Basecamp and their books Rework .
  5. Not a surprise that DHH wrote the Venture capital is going to murder Medium post.
  6. While some people are worrying about the Medium’s future, so far Medium has been great for writers.
  7. We have M.G. Siegler’s positive opinion and also his content finds a way post.
  8. Sunil’s support to Medium.
  9. or, can Medium be the Netflix of publishing? Mario Sundar said.
  10. Anyway, we need more companies like Medium. I agree.

What’s my opinion? I found many minor bugs on the Medium platform here and there. But it does create a different community that blogs and twitters can’t. It ignites the elegance of readership and opinion sharing on internet. This is the courage that we need to move the world forward.

I know it’s really easy to write the negative story, but let’s not freak out over this. I commend the Medium team for taking a risk and trying something. — Sunil Rajaraman

Anything else besides Medium? Steve Jobs’s worst decision was promoting Tim Cook.

Visionary CEOs aren’t just responsible for world-class execution of a tested and successful business model — they’re also world-class innovators. Visionary CEOs are product and business-model centric, and extremely customer focused. The best are agile and know how to pivot, making substantive changes to their business models before their markets have shifted. — Steve Blank.

And it takes a lot of courage.

Until next week,

This email was originally sent to my newsletter subscribers at January 9nd, 2017. I re-post the email here as an archive. If you enjoy it, please sign-up the newsletter to get my hand-picked links on every Monday.



10 Things Worth Sharing

I teach Web Design • Book Author of Flash Multiplayer Virtual World • Book Author of HTML5 Games Development by Example • A dad