#46—On Writing

Things worth sharing each week

10 Things Worth Sharing
2 min readMay 8, 2018


Hi there,

It’s another week for newsletter — A little bit late actually.

What I’m working on

This week, I have a new notebook from Offscreen magazine delivery. It is a Baron Fig soft cover notebook. I enjoy it very much. Big thanks for Offscreen’s Kai to introduce this to me.

I write every day in my paperbacks. I keep a brain-dump log book and a tasks pad on desk. I have high productive time when using real paper and pen. Here are some of my previous notebooks.

Speaking of writing, here are some links on writings worth reading:

  1. The importance of revisiting notebooks by Austin Kleon. This is one reason that I keep paperbacks notebooks: I can flip through previous notebooks randomly.
  2. David Sedaris breaks down his writing process: keep reading them and rewriting them.
  3. Do you write because you have something to say? Or do you write for the sake of writing?
  4. Goins’ 3-bucket system reminds me the original iA writer app with note, write, edit, read.
  5. To get started writing, I recommend 750words.
  6. To improve writing, get to the point.

Web Technology Links Worth Sharking

  1. Service worker resources by Jeremy Keith.
  2. Building serverless contact from static website.
  3. Firefox adds sponsored content to browser — Sad that wherever we can show ads, there’ll be ads there.
  4. A guide to the state of print stylesheets in 2018 — Something we often forget about, yet important.
  5. The Impact game engine is open sourced in MIT license now, because it is not well maintained anymore.

Enjoy your day!

Until next week,
Thomas Mak

This email was originally sent to my newsletter subscribers at May 8th, 2018. I re-post the email here as an archive. If you enjoy it, please sign-up the newsletter to get my hand-picked links on every Monday.



10 Things Worth Sharing

I teach Web Design • Book Author of Flash Multiplayer Virtual World • Book Author of HTML5 Games Development by Example • A dad