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How to Find Your Passion

The secret is fun, not money

Rachel Moore
Published in
5 min readOct 20, 2021


A young man lights a lighter in front of his face and the smoke above it forms a heart
Photo by Nikolas Resende from Pexels

Some people are born already knowing what they were put on earth to accomplish. Picasso could draw before he could talk and his first words were to ask for a pencil. That doesn’t happen for most of us. We believe when we find the right thing, it’ll just click. Like falling in love at first sight, we expect to be struck by inspiration while crossing the street. But almost no one has this experience. In a world so full of experiences and possibilities, most of us struggle to find our calling. That’s because most of us don’t have one.

Or more accurately, we don’t have only one. We have a lot of topics that interest us, careers that could be a fun, and hobbies that sound cool. I wrote an article recently about how following my passion for whiskey led to a career in an industry I love. I told people to go deeper into what they’re passionate about because I know from experience that getting more involved in something you love will bring joy and new opportunities. But what if you don’t know what your passion is? How can you start down the path when you are still trying to find it?

There’s one huge bolder I see blocking the path of people who want to discover passion: money. When people say “passion” what they really mean is “something I’ll be great at and will…



Rachel Moore
Writer for

Living the questions and sharing my answers. Cannabis pays the bills but building a better world is my side hustle.