
You Need To Play Collegiate Sports; Here are 5 Reasons Why

Sports may seem challenging, but they will set you up for the rest of your life

Chauncey Simmons
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2021


Photo by Josephine Gasser on Unsplash

You can’t win unless you learn how to lose.

— Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Let Me Teach You How To Be A Good Sport

One of the most dominant pitchers in Rangers history, Kenny Rogers, did not start playing baseball until his senior year in high school. Isn’t that crazy? A man who pitched a perfect game had such a late start to his career. That goes to show that it is never too late to start your sports career.

I understand that it is scary to do something that you have never done before at a very high level. But if you run a cost-benefit analysis on college sports, you’ll see it’s well worth it. College sports are an enriching experience that can teach you some essential life lessons.



Chauncey Simmons
Writer for

Hello, I like writing about health and fitness. I also dabble in fictional and non-fictional stories that have important life lessons