I Need $400 Dollars Now? Here’s How To Make $400 Fast.

Shana Jahsinta Walters
100 Books In One Year
13 min readJun 29, 2020

I need $400 dollars now is a dire situation that most if not all of us have been in at some time or another in our lives.

Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

It is nothing to be ashamed that you are in a tough financial spot and you are in desperate need of $400 dollars now.

Why Do You Need To Make $400 Dollars Fast?

Believe me I understand what you are going though. I am not perfect either and have been right where you are before. Life happens. Sometimes you need to make money fast to pay a bill or an unexpected bill that was not a part of your monthly budget.

There are so many ways you can try in order to make $400 in a day. When you need money right now, you don’t have time or energy to waste on a money making opportunity that will only drain your bank account and give you no money back in return. You need a proven money making method that is simple to learn and can also bring money into your hands in a week maybe even less.

There are so many legitimate ways to make $400 quickly. You can have your pick from more than 100 money making opportunities. You are searching for a to rated money making opportunity guaranteed to show you how to make $400 fast.

How to make 400 dollars fast is not something at all that is hard to learn. You can make 400 dollars a day through a lot of ways. If you want to work online, you can start a blog around a niche, promote niche related products or services on your blog and make money. This method takes a lot of time and efforts but it is definitely worth it, if you have the time to learn all those steps.

Since you are here reading this article right now, I bet you are looking for an online money making plan that is not as complicated to learn as blogging is.

You are here to learn how you can make $400 dollars now. Since that is the case, I won’t waste your precious time talking about random shit. We are going to focus on one very specific money making way you can use to earn an extra $400 really fast.

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How To Make $400 Fast (Legitimate Way).

Already you must be thinking, “This better be good because I need $400 dollars by tomorrow.” With this method I am about to share with you, the fact remain is, you are going to learn how to make 400 dollars in a month, how to make 400 dollars in a week, hell how to make 400 dollars in a day.

Yes, making $400 in one day with this method is very doable and possible. But I am not going to sit here and lie to you and have you believing that to make 400 fast requires no work on your end of the equation. I am no miracle worker. If you are looking for a miracle solution to solving your how you can make 400 fast problem, then you are in the wrong place. It is best for you to stop reading this article right now. I don’t want to waste your time.

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How To Get An Easy Extra $400 Right Now?

The easiest and fastest and most surest way of bringing in $400 fast at the drop of a hat, whenever you need it, is to start an online business you can operate working from home. Now before you roll your eyes and kiss your teeth, think about all the people you have come across whether in person or online who are raking in the dough. Aren’t most of those people operating a business in some form or another?

The difference between those people and you boils down to mindset. Instead of constantly chasing their tails everytime they are in need of a quick cash infusion of $400 or more, they went the route that was far more easier to bring them in money whenever they were in need of it.

By having an online business you can easily make $400 whenever you need that money. You won’t have to beg, steal or borrow $400 from another living soul. Doesn’t that sound better than constantly surfing the internet trying to find some new technique on how to earn S400 dollars in a week?

Now you might be saying, “I need $400 dollars right now. I don’t have the time, money, energy or know how to start a business. I need cash now.” That kind of desperation will do one thing and one thing only, block you from making $400 quick.

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How To Come Up With $400 Dollars Fast?

I know you may be searching for new ways on how you can make $400 fast, but they do not exit. If you really want to make $400 dollars fast, then it is best for you to stick to the old ways of making money online.

Why? Because they work. Because they have stood the test of time. Because by building one of these old online money making ways, you will never again have to do any more internet searching looking for various ways on how you can make $400 dollars fast.

By having an extra $400 dollars coming into your pocket every month or even better every week, it will take most, if not all of your financial stress away. This will also put you in a position to start saving some of that $400 dollars that you are bringing in fast. Wouldn’t you prefer to live stress free instead of worry about money constantly?

This is the lazy person’s guide on how you can get $400 dollars fast and easy. I know …

1. You don’t want a payday loan.
2. You don’t want to borrow the money from friends or family.
3. You don’t want to beg anyone for them money.
4. You don’t want to do online surveys.
5. You don’t want to stuff envelopes.
6. You don’t have anything in your house worth selling.
7. You don’t want to leave your house at all.
8. You don’t want to ask your boss for a raise.
9. You don’t want to beg your parents for money.
10. You don’t want to get a second job.

In order to make this $400 dollars fast, you will be making use of a skill you learned in your early days back in school. If you can write an e-mail or a post on social media, then making $400 dollars fast will be easy for you to do now. I can teach you how to have $400 dollars in your hands really fast. This is no get rich quick technique. You won’t find any get rich quick opportunities here.

Before you turn to personal borrowing, as your only solution, payday loans, lending, personal lending or emergency loans, first find a way you can make or save $400 really fast.

This method is safe even for kids to use and make money online.

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Making $400 Dollars Online Is Fast When You Have An Online Business.

This is no MLM pyramid scheme. While there are people in the world who will swear on their mother’s or children’s graves that this is an easy way to make money, it really, truly isn’t. At least, not for the majority.

The majority of the people who invest their hard earn money into MLM pyramid schemes never get their initial investments back. And the few that do, never make enough money to allow them to quit their jobs permanently.

If you seriously want to earn really big dollars in a MLM pyramid scheme, there are only two ways in which you can do it. Either start your own MLM pyramid scheme business or get recruited into the first bash of trainees they take on. It is really the ones right at the top of the pyramid who are earning the big bucks off the backs of all the worker bees they recruit below them.

Once again as you can clearly see, starting a business is the best way to go when you want to make a quick $400 dollars before the end of the day. I am not saying this to discourage you. Just the total opposite. I want to give you inspiration and motivation to starting earning as many $400 dollars as you want to earn.

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Do You Need Any Special Skills Make $400 Dollars In One Day?

I am afraid not.

You are probably asking yourself right now, “How can I make $400 dollars in one day?” It is very possible to do. The money is not just going to fall from the sky and right into your lap. However, if you put some elbow grease into making money online working from home, this will become a very real possibility for you.

You are probably tired of hearing all the other success stories of making money online from other people and wonder why you are still struggling. This might have led to you assuming there must be something special about those people. There must be something extraordinary about them that you were not born with.

There are just as ordinary and as average as you are. I promise you, there is nothing special about them. If they can do it, you can do it too.

Whether you have excellent credit or really bad credit, that is in no way a deterrent to you getting $400 dollars fast. You don’t even need to worry about that either.

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There Are Many Different Ways To Earn $400 Dollars Online.

You don’t have to test out 100 different ways to start earning $400 dollars online. You only need just one. It is better to focus on just one method you can use today to start earning $400 dollars this weekend instead of 4, 5 or 6. You are going to need some focus to make this method work out best in your favor.

Other people before you have already tried and tested all these methods out on your behalf. Therefore this cuts your time already down by half. Believe it or not, to really make this money making method work, all you really need is just a dose of creativity.

Even if all you are interested in is how to save up $400 dollars fast, it is still far easier to find a way you can earn an extra $400 first and then save that money up later.

You can earn a passive income all from the very comfort of your own home and the best part is that you can also make money while you are fast asleep. Now tell me that doesn’t get your blood really pumping to earn $400 dollars over and over again while you are dreaming about your favorite celebrity?

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What Kind Of Goal Will This $400 Help You Accomplish?

There must be some kind of reason why you are determined to have $400 now. Knowing what goal having this money is going to help you accomplish is super important on the days when you lack motivation.

You may need that $400 dollars to pay your student loan, or buy groceries for your house or pay some bills that you are behind on. Whatever your reason is, write it down so you have a constant reminder what you are working towards.

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Why It Is Better To Find A Permanent Solution?

A temporary fix will eventually lead to you having this same money issue all over again. You will be right back at square one before you know it. Then you will have to search for another solution. Take it from someone who has been in your shoes more times than I care to remember.

A permanent solution will not only put $400 dollars into your pocket now, but it will continuously put more and more money into your bank account. This is why starting a business is your best bet. Your business will grant you access to money whenever you are in demand of its services.

And the business I want to introduce to you right now is selling e-books online for cash. You can write e-books in your free time while making extra cash and funding your personal goals. This is a great way to make money online and can add up to a large wad of cash with time.

The sooner you start investing in writing and selling e-books online, the sooner your money can start to grow toward your goals. This is one of the best ways to make well over $400 dollars and can help you earn real passive income over time.

A ton of people are searching online for how to make money quickly. Well, you don’t have to look no further, because you have the solution unlike those other people. Writing e-books is a great way to make money on the internet.

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Can You Really Make $400 Fast Selling E-Books?

Selling books is a business model that has been around for years. In fact I have read books that were written more than 100 years ago. And even though those authors have long passed away, their books are still available to the public for sale.

This kind of business is never going out of style. Why? Because reading is fundamental to learning. The way most people on this planet learn new things, is by reading.

The only difference now is we can read books on electronic devices instead of buying a print book in a bookstore. Now we can go directly to the Amazon Kindle store and hit the buy button on any e-book we wish to own.

Another great benefit is because it is an e-book, we get access to it right away instead of waiting for a few weeks for Amazon to ship the books to our mailing address.

People will be able to start reading your book the moment they purpose it. This is a great way to $400 quickly whenever you have some free time on your hands.

And because you will be self-publishing your e-books yourself, I promise you it is very easy process to learn, you will get to keep 70% of the price on any book between $2.99 and $9.99. Now tell me that this does not intrigue you now. You won’t find a better technique to earn you $400 dollars in the nick of time.

You are free of course to try other ways to earn your $400 quickly online. But none of those money making methods are going to make you $400 in a day all from the comfort of your home without having to learn any new skills. Writing and publishing short romance e-books for the Amazon Kindle publishing platform is the easy way to go.

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How Publishing Short Romance E-Books On Amazon Kindle Can Make You A Living?

I am sure by now you are ready to get start, but there are a few more thing you need to know. You can publish books on Amazon Kindle to make money in 13 easy steps.

1. Pick a sub-genre.
2. Choose your seven keywords.
3. Come up with a book title.
4. Decide on your pen name.
5. Write your book.
6. Edit your book.
7. Format your book.
8. Create a book cover.
9. Write the Blurb for the book.
10. Upload everything to KDP dashboard like the formatted book file, the cover file, fill out the boxes with the book title, the blurb, the seven keywords, the two categories.
11. Decide on the two categories best suited for your book.
12. Choose the best price for your book.
13. Wait for Amazon Kindle to approve your book. This can happen in less than 24 hours or something up to entire week. Just be patient.

It might sound like a lot now but once you get down to doing the actual work, you will discover just how easy the process really is.

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How Big Of A Budget Do You Need To Start With?

You can start publishing short romance e-books on a shoe string budget. The cost to publish my first e-book was $10 bucks. I use that money to pay a guy on Fiverr to create a book cover for me. As you can see, you can start off with a very small budget for now and rake in the big bucks.

Thankfully your credit score cannot hinder you from making $400 today or whenever you are in need of some extra cash. Put your desperation down and tap into your creative energy.

Desperation people are notorious for making bad money decisions. You might be experiencing a lack of $400 dollars right this very minute, but that doesn’t mean you allow this need to lead you down the wrong financial path. This lack of money can be a temporary situation if you focus on a solution that will best help you bring $400 into your life today.

Once you find this money making solution, you will never have to worry about money again because you can use it over and over again to put an extra $400 dollars into your wallet. This is better than borrowing money you will have to pay back later down the road with interest.

If at any point you can’t keep up with your loan payments, this will lead to messy up your credit. This is the last thing you need on your life presently.

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Passive Income Stream.

If you are stuck wondering how to make $400 in a day then you’ll benefit from this article. I’ll teach you how to make $400 fast right now. I know you must have heard all the hype about making money online working from the comfort of your home before, but there are very real and legitimate ways for you make not only $400, but actually replace your current salary.

I am not going to tell you no effort is required on your part. I could say that, but it won’t help you to bring in $400 right now. You can easily make an extra $400 today without having any kind of degrees.

This passive income stream can make you money from all over the world while you are fast asleep at night. Amazon Kindle takes care of all the technical side of processing payments and shipping the e-book to your buyers’ electronic devices. This is how you can earn $400 dollars hands free. You don’t even need to think about anything except what book you want to write next to keep the money constantly flowing into your bank account.

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Do You Still Need More Ideas To Score $400 Fast?

Well I have a sweet bonus that is bound to whet your appetite. When you purchase a copy of How Publishing Short Romance E-Books On Amazon Kindle Can Make You A Living guide you get my e-book on 25 How To Make Money Online Working From Home Ideas as a bonus.

That’s all I have to say folks. Hope you learned a thing or two on how to come up with 400 dollars fast. Good luck on your journey to learning and earning $400 dollars fast today.

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Shana Jahsinta Walters
100 Books In One Year

My book - https://amzn.to/38gIyyO — How Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Specific Person