My Writing And Publishing Journey 2020 Part 1 — Challenge To Write And Publish Half A Million Words In 160 Days.

Shana Jahsinta Walters
100 Books In One Year
2 min readMay 18, 2020

I am giving myself this public challenge because I need a kick in my lazy butt.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

The first time I gave myself a 30 writing challenge, I posted about it in a Facebook group. Surprisingly, this kept me going cause I was ready to quit on day 2. But since so many people were watching and routing for me, I had to push on through.

The pressure helped me get over the first two weeks hump. After that, things got much easier and getting into the writing mood was actually easier to do. I should have kept going. My bad.

How Will You Find The Time To Write?

I have plenty of free time now since I’m out of work until September or October. Now I just need to leave YouTube alone. I have a ton of books to read since I have been bingeing YouTube videos instead.

What Are You Hoping To Accomplish.

1. I have a few short books to republish. Amazon had an issue with the titles.
2. I have some blog posts to finish writing so I can finally publish them on
3. I will be creating about three or so courses for the GumRoad platform.
4. I have a bunch of nonfiction books to write. The research is ready for most of them. I just need to settle into a writing routine.
5. I have an income goal in mind, will reveal at the end of the challenge if I make it.

Will You Run Out Of Ideas?

I doubt it. I have too many ideas sitting in a various files doing nothing.

Why 160 Days?

I find that I am a much better productive writer when I write for five days in a row and take two days off.

Two things I have never done before are, don’t spank me, to start building an e-mail list. And the second one is making one of my books perma-free.

Current Word Count.

January Total = 25, 584 words
February Total = 4, 927 words
March Total = 16, 509 words
April Total = 14, 941 words
Total = 61, 961 words

I have 6, 940 for month of May so far. Like I said, I’ve been super lazy.

I want to really challenge myself here. Let’s go. Wish me luck.

Shana Jahsinta Walters.



Shana Jahsinta Walters
100 Books In One Year

My book - — How Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Specific Person