Day 33 — Getting back on track

Tomasz Mucha
100 day PhD
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2019

It’s not whether you are going to fall down. You will. It’s whether you are going to get up.

Okay, so fast forward and we are close to the end of my fourth month of doctoral studies. I failed in terms of my commitment to record thoughts in this blog on daily basis for the first 100 days. Still, there is no great harm done. I still see value in recording my journey. Now it will be a little be more retrospective, but it doesn’t mean I can’t come up with some valuable and interesting observations.

So let’s go with this for now. 100 days passed already or are close to that anyway, but new lessons and realizations come anyway.

A lot has happened since my last post, which was published on 5 March. More than three months passed. I completed two more courses (thus, three in total since start of my doctoral studies), I was a teaching assistant in one course, I wrote and submitted two conference papers and attended one workshop. Besides, I have conducted multiple interviews with companies and participated in lots of meetings and activities related to AI Accelerator.

Now, all the regular classes are over, so the university buildings are much more quite. Also, since I have submitted the second conference paper, I have also a feeling of relief and, almost, a blank slate in front of me.

It was an intense period. But now it is already much more manageable. Therefore, it is a perfect time to add back blog writing to my to-do list.

My plan is to look into my calendar roughly day-by-day, since I dropped writing the blog posts, and try to recall some of the key thoughts, observations or events. I might blend in some general thoughts or ideas, as well as things that are happening right now. Who knows, maybe I’ll be able to publish more than one post a day, so that I could catch up with the schedule or, at least, come closer to it.



Tomasz Mucha
100 day PhD

Wearing multiple hats — finance expert, business leader, entrepreneur, startup advisor, digital marketer, husband and father. Constantly learning.