Day 48–100 Days 100 Ways To A Body Positive Mindset

Health isn’t how you look.

Michelle Middleton
100 Days 100 Ways


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Some more nuggets from Dr. Nikki Stamp are on the menu for today.

Even as a doctor, Stamp feels torn between the judgement we pass as a society on how healthy someone supposedly is based on their looks. She’s fallen victim to this bias herself.

Stamp shares her experience of denial because she thought because of her small size she couldn’t have high blood pressure and the associated risks. She deconstructs the paradox that despite us spending more money than ever on supplements, juice cleanses, diet plans and gym memberships, we’re even more unhealthier as a species than ever before.

The spoils of diabetes and heart attacks are everywhere, as are the rest of the non-communicable diseases family. So something’s gone wrong.

I encourage you to read the full rendition of Dr. Nikki Stamp’s Pretty Unhealthy: Why our obsession with looking healthy is making us sick.

Appearance ≠ health


47/48/100 (Number of days goals met/ number of days into project/ 100)

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Michelle Middleton
100 Days 100 Ways

Health manager. I write mostly about business analysis, dentistry, wellness, healthcare, and economics. Pug & Frenchie mum. 🐶