Day 56–100 Days 100 Ways Being Visible

Be Do Have

Ian Higginbottom
100 Days 100 Ways


cropped from original by mandygodbehear

Michelle Middleton’s Day 41–100 Days 100 Ways To A Body Positive Mindset post inspired my thinking and writing today.

Do you believe that achieving an external goal will automatically have you achieve the internal goal that motivated you to pursue the external goal in the first place? Beyond survival goals, our external goals, it seems to me, are about achieving an internal goal. For example, someone may have a goal of earning over $150,000 because that is the amount they think they need to feel secure, or they may have a goal of earning enough passive income to live on because they want to experience freedom.

It is a false belief that external circumstances directly control your inner experience.

Your biological structure (physical, including neurological) determines your response to the external environment, not the environment itself. The biologist Humberto Maturana claims this is a biological fact, not a philosophical idea. Everyday evidence for this is the observation that different people respond to the same events in different ways. Logically, this means that you can achieve internal (‘being’) goals without having to find or create a particular external circumstance.

I recall a friend of mine who lived on a very small amount of money, perhaps 10% of…



Ian Higginbottom
100 Days 100 Ways

I help school principals and executives build the interaction skills of collaboration and leadership. I help leaders have powerful conversations.