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Day 65–100 Days 100 Ways To Becoming An Online Course Instructor

The day I sold two places on my online workshop and decided it was time to start writing the workshop content

Deanne Duncombe
Published in
6 min readApr 10, 2021


I have sold two places in my 75-minute workshop called “How to say no when saying yes seems so much easier”. (Well, three places if I count the ticket I bought myself so I could experience the email sequence that participants will receive.)

The next step is to design the workshop.


I know what concepts and distinctions I want to include in the workshop. I know that I want the workshop to be experiential. I know that the workshop will be 75 minutes.

What I don’t know is how to design a workshop. I mean, I do know, because I have done it before. However, I have done it based on gut feeling and without any research. For this workshop. I would like a more considered and informed approach.

My first ah-ha moment came when I read the following in Conquering the Content by Robin M Smith.

We typically think of our courses as what we will teach. Instead, if you alter your perspective to that of the learners in your course…



Deanne Duncombe
100 Days 100 Ways

Coach, facilitator, writer, learner in life. I help people who are stuck to become unstuck. More about me: