Day 67–100 Days 100 Ways To A Body Positive Mindset

I’m grateful for being driven to finally change my way of thinking

Michelle Middleton
100 Days 100 Ways


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

I’ve felt over the past couple of years my body has finally turned against me as payback for the abuse I’ve given it over the years. I’m in the process of investigating whether my autoimmune antibodies are related to an underactive thyroid, which is renowned for stubborn weight gain.

It’s not an excuse, but partly I’m grateful to have circumstances outside of my control force my hand to be more accepting of my body: when I’m too tired to ramp up my already satisfactory exercise regime, because of a biological mishap with my antibodies deciding to hate on my muscles. As this progresses to more underactive thyroid issue (potentially), I’ve learned to accept my limits.

I’m not of the same biological makeup as I was 10 years ago, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s only because I know metabolism slows down as you age and I’ve tried to compensate with a stricter diet and exercise regime, but only finding I’m more exhausted and have a larger waist circumference, that’s triggered me trying to change my mindset instead.

I guess it’s usually before we’ve depleted all of our energy in one domain we feel we’ve reached our ‘bottom’ before we make a change. That’s what it feels…



Michelle Middleton
100 Days 100 Ways

Health manager. I write mostly about business analysis, dentistry, wellness, healthcare, and economics. Pug & Frenchie mum. 🐶