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Day 80–100 Days 100 Ways To A Healthy Relationship With Food

Separating exercise from food

Andy Taylor
Published in
5 min readApr 14, 2021


Food, exercise and weight get linked together in ways which are unhelpful.

How many times have you heard someone say — while tucking into a donut after a workout — something like this?

“I‘ve definitely earned this!”

Conversely, you may have said to yourself, during a particularly indulgent Christmas / Thanksgiving / holiday / weekend:

“Back to the gym on Monday!”

I’ve come to seriously question the value of CICO (Calories in Calories Out) during this project. I’ve spent 80 days now researching, expressing and writing about food (plus trying to follow a deliberately easy version of 16:8 Intermittent Fasting to deliver slow and steady weight loss and gently move toward a healthy weight).

Here’s what I haven’t done:

  • I haven’t counted calories going in
  • I haven’t tracked exercise (calories out)
  • I haven’t weighed myself. At all.
  • I haven’t followed an exercise plan (other than trying to walk when I can and adding a small calisthenic bodyweight workout of less than 10 mins into my daily weekday goals since Day 72)

