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Day 81 –100 Days 100 Ways To Becoming An Online Course Instructor

How to create participant-friendly slides for an online workshop

Deanne Duncombe
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2021


I am currently trying to write content for my workshop.

My general process for writing content appears to be “dump and cull”. I have a mind that always seems to be full, and so any kind of writing, whether it is email or a course or whatever, seems to be a process of dumping all relevant thoughts onto “paper” and then culling out that which isn’t useful.

So that’s how I started writing content for this course.

And then I hit a wall. I didn’t feel as though the final part of my workshop was coming together, and I also had a gazillion slides.


There are two topics that I want to eventually explore:

  • What content to exclude/include In the workshop and how to offer that.
  • How to make engaging slides that meet the purpose of the audience without overwhelming them.

Today, I am going to focus on how to create useful slides. I suspect that doing that will also help me to understand how I might recreate some of the content.



Deanne Duncombe
100 Days 100 Ways

Coach, facilitator, writer, learner in life. I help people who are stuck to become unstuck. More about me: