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Day 97–100 Days 100 Ways To A Healthy Relationship With Food

There’s no such thing as a lost cause

Andy Taylor
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2021


If you’re reading this thinking “I can never lose weight, I just have to accept I will always be overweight”, then I would ask you to think again. Here are three reasons why…


I know what it feels like to be resigned to being overweight and/or having an unhelpful relationship with food. I have made significant progress in both areas in around 3 months. I’m not saying follow my process (though feel free to give it a try), I’m saying change is possible, you just need to find what works for you. Three things I’d ask you to consider:

1. You Only Need To Succeed Once

I mean succeed in finding a way of eating you are comfortable with, that you can maintain forever. It doesn’t even need to be one that gets you to lose weight. If you can learn to maintain, that’s huge. You press pause on weight gain, you learn how your body reacts to different tweaks in lifestyle.

At some point, pick a method to lose weight at any rate you want. Say you’re 3 stone overweight. Once you learn to maintain, you can decide to lose that 3 stone in 6 x 0.5 stone efforts over 6 years. Or any other way you want to slice and dice it.

