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Day 98–100 Days 100 Ways To A Healthy Relationship With Food

A happy hangover

Andy Taylor
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2021


I went out for drinks with friends for the first time in over a year yesterday evening and the inevitable happened — I felt a little rough this morning. But, how I was with food during the beer-drinking and post beer-drinking actually shows the progress I have made.


Here are 3 ways that my relationship with food in the last 24 hours was way better than it would have been 99 days ago…

1. Drinking Alcohol Did Not De-Rail Me

I’ve written many times in this project how alcohol is a triple threat when it comes to weight loss / a healthy relationship with food. It’s a nutritional void, it lowers your willpower and it makes you crave unhelpful foods during drinking and after.

We were drinking at a brilliant local brewery (Pipes, Cardiff) which is now able to serve drinks outside in its courtyard at booked tables. Also in the courtyard is a bakery that offers pizzas when the brewery is open and serving. The previous version of me would have ordered a pizza for myself, wolfed it down, nailed as many beers as possible then either had a takeaway on the way home or tucked in to toast, crisps and biscuits back at my place.

