Day 2: Matrix chain multiplication

Tomáš Bouda
100 days of algorithms
2 min readMar 26, 2017

Matrix multiplication is an associative operation. (AB)C is equal to A(BC) for matrices A, B, C, and it doesn’t matter which order of pair multiplication you choose.

Unfortunately, that’s not true from computational perspective. If dimensions of matrices are A=[10, 20], B=[20, 30], C=[30, 40], numbers of scalar multiplications differ significantly:

(AB)C = 10*20*30 + 10*30*40 = 18000
A(BC) = 20*30*40 + 10*20*40 = 32000

The best ordering can be found using recursive relationship. Let MCM denotes a function that returns a minimum number of scalar multiplications. Then MCM can be defined as the best split among all possible choices.

Using dynamic programming and memoization, the problem can be solved in O(n³) time.


def mult(chain):
n = len(chain)

# single matrix chain has zero cost
aux = {(i, i): (0,) + chain[i] for i in range(n)}
# i: length of subchain
for i in range(1, n):
# j: starting index of subchain
for j in range(0, n - i):
best = float('inf')
# k: splitting point of subchain
for k in range(j, j + i):
# multiply subchains at splitting point
lcost, lname, lrow, lcol = aux[j, k]
rcost, rname, rrow, rcol = aux[k + 1, j + i]
cost = lcost + rcost + lrow * lcol * rcol
var = '(%s%s)' % (lname, rname)
# pick the best one
if cost < best:
best = cost
aux[j, j + i] = cost, var, lrow, rcol
return dict(zip(['cost', 'order', 'rows', 'cols'], aux[0, n - 1]))


> mult([('A', 10, 20), ('B', 20, 30), ('C', 30, 40)]){'cost': 18000, 'order': '((AB)C)', 'rows': 10, 'cols': 40}

