End of Line.

Tomáš Bouda
100 days of algorithms
1 min readJul 2, 2017

I wrote the first algorithm on March 25. I wrote the last one today, on July 2. 100 days, 100 algorithms, 100 articles.

Many thanks to everyone of you for your support. You have helped me with this series more than you might think.

I also have two honourable mentions, Cristian Randieri, Phd and Pavel Rihosek. Of all the people, I appreciate your support most, thank you.

I tried to pick somewhat interesting topics and to show that even more complex algorithms can be written with ease. There definitely is plenty of room for improvements. The time was short and I usually like to refactor code later, which was not possible here.

As an example, I have just added one more bonus notebook to which I was inspired by Mike Loukides. It is day 28 — Convex hull, rethought and rewritten to be fast and to look better.

What is coming next? Let me tell you, the life goes on, and I hope you enjoyed these 100 days at least as I did.

End of Line.

