100 Days of Code, Day 10:

23 June 2017

100 Days Of Code


Today’s Progress:

Finished up Section 10 where we went over functions. I am into Arrays and am halfway through it.

We did a few algorithms and two of which we had to research to actually get the answer.

We had the isEven() algorithm to see if a number is even, factorial() to calculate factorials, and snakeToKebab() to change a string with dashes in between words to underscores.

I remembered doing the isEven(). It wasn’t hard at all. I calculated factorials on Free Code Camp, and I remembered the string methods of split(), join(), and replace().

I wanted to use replace() almost immediately and so I went to Dash Docs and looked up replace() but it didn’t seem to be what I wanted. So I went to Free Code Camp and looked at my old solutions and cobbled together an algorithm that worked but needed to be refactored to use replace(). Using replace(), I would need a regular expression, in this case, /-/g.


I was excited to code those algorithms. I wasn’t sure if we would do some algorithm type stuff but we did. I was really glad for that.

Link to work:

The repo.




100 Days Of Code

Recovering web dev degenerate. Home labber and cybersecurity hopeful. Write at: https://tifflabs.org and https://0x8c.org