100 Days of Code, Day 12:

28 June 2017

100 Days Of Code


Today’s Progress:

I know I haven’t written here for three days but I have just been really tired with allergies killing me. I have been writing code, though, just not articles.😛

On the 25th and 26th I finished up arrays and started objects.

Finishing up the arrays section was a walk in the park; not too difficult. I went to Stack Overflow once or twice, but pretty much everything made sense and I was able to complete the arrays algorithms.

Making the movie database object was a little trickier for me. I started out with an object and a for loop. I was lost at what to do next. I guess I was tired and not paying attention because I was supposed to put the object inside the array. Whoops.

After that I was able to put something interesting together with a forEach() loop but I was damn foggy I watched the solution.

Today was better but still. As the weather gets warmer here in Pittsburgh, my allergy problems should stop.

I am not at JavaScript and the DOM in The Web Developer Bootcamp. I only worked for about a half an hour tonight. Long day.


I am really excited to be able to manipulate the DOM and make real apps now.

Link to work:


Movie Database:

Array Algorithms:



100 Days Of Code

Recovering web dev degenerate. Home labber and cybersecurity hopeful. Write at: https://tifflabs.org and https://0x8c.org