100 Days of Code, Day 17:

11 August 2017

100 Days Of Code


Today’s Progress:

I have been coding on and off, basically maintenance stuff, for the past couple weeks. I have written two articles at my main blog about what I am doing with the freeCodeCamp Weather app.

I needed to dry things up a bit which I finally did with the help of Joseph Rex and Adam from LinkedIn. You can find that update on the main blog when I write it.

I have since moved on at The Web Developer Bootcamp, skipping jQuery to move onto the Node section. We went through the differences between backend, front end, server side languages, HTTP requests and responses, and using an HTTP client like Postman to check our APIs.

Currently on the Express section. I worked with Express when setting up my Check Yo Self app on Heroku and spent the entire night trying to figure out Middleware and routes. Learning this now, I understand better what each of those things mean.

I spent most of the evening building Express apps and so I learned so much it would take a very long, thoughtful, blog post to explain what I learned which I will write over on my other blog. For now, we built a dumb little Express app which you can find below.

We are using Cloud9 for all this which is amazing. IDE right in your browser with most everything you need being free. Win.


It is almost 1 am and I am super tired. I am almost ready to apply to jobs and have applied and gotten two rejections which I expected. I need to build more substantial apps which is why I skipped the jQuery and went right into Node. I know enough jQuery and JavaScript to get busy now. Time for the frameworks!

Link to work:

My GitHub.



100 Days Of Code

Recovering web dev degenerate. Home labber and cybersecurity hopeful. Write at: https://tifflabs.org and https://0x8c.org