100 Days of Code, Days 13, 14, and 15:

6 July 2017

100 Days Of Code


Today’s Progress:

I have been coding for a few days now but I’ve been completely out of it for a week or so until I could get allergy medicine. Finally have it and am back into things

I worked on a code challenge for a Trello job for three days. It is basically asking you to hack a URL to make their mascot, Taco Sploksy, recommend you for the job. It isn’t required but it does help you they say.

It is difficult because I have no idea about hashes, like locate.window.hash, etc. I was reading the documentation as this job sounds stellar, but I have given up. The Trello team wants to make sure you actually want to work for them and are not just spraying your apps all over the internet for something to eventually stick. It sucks for people like me, but I understand it. Maybe I am not ready for that work environment. Yet.

I joined Tech Ladies, which is an amazing community looking to increase diversity in tech. It’s how I found the Trello job. There are a lot of prime tech jobs on that site. You have to be approved to join. There are men in there too, as well as trans women, etc. I am not too worried about not getting the Trello job. Besides, the next and final semester is coming up.

My solution so far:

There is something wrong with the line:

while(location.hash.length > 1 && !name) but I am not sure where to go with it.

Other hints and possible solutions:

Parsing Brad’s hints have been fruitful, but I am still unable to get a working solution. Any help would be appreciated. Trello mentioned on a Reddit post that hints were allowed. I am really stuck.

I have also been working on Check Yo Self using mainly Materialize CSS framework. I have to clean up the MDL mixed code in the codebase but I find it doesn’t behave the way it should when I remove it.

I have also worked on The Web Developer Bootcamp, of course.


Wracking my brain and trying to find the energy to code lately has been difficult. I guess working on The Web Developer Bootcamp has been difficult as I feel like I want to get to building things already. Patience, old Padawan.

Link to work:

Gist for Check Yo Self:

Non-working website.



100 Days Of Code

Recovering web dev degenerate. Home labber and cybersecurity hopeful. Write at: https://tifflabs.org and https://0x8c.org