Age of Wonderland: Prana Borboleta- The Cosmic Butterfly. (Suniya Taimour, 16th September, Route2Pilates, Lahore, 17:00–19:00)

Suniya Taimour
3 min readSep 12, 2017


Im going to begin the story on a personal experience. I have always found the deep embedded beauty in pain. Having lived life in a haze of decisions taken out of fear, insecurities and guilt, I had begun to live life like an obligatory maze that I had to plough through. Every new year’s, when people would draft out their list of resolutions for a better next year, I would sit down and pray on New Year’s Eve, to not wake up the next day. Alas! I would wake up, and with a heavy heart and teary eyes, I would look up at the sky and think why. Why was I being made to go through another day, another year? What had gone wrong with my prayer, my tears the previous night that I was still woken up and asked to live? And yet, years passed and I burdened my soul with heartbreak after heartbreak. I had begun to love pain. It became a companion, a constant, a feeling that I knew was mine. I was attracted to relationships, friendships, people who I knew would destroy me, because they came with a tagline of ‘’being temporary’’. I recognized it as being self-destructive, but well, if you can’t see the beauty in a decomposing flower, you haven’t witnessed life at all. I relished the darkness within and outside. And in my quest for loving pain and grief, I attracted more of it in my life. It took me seven years to come to terms with what I was doing to myself, and I still wasn’t really there yet. What began as a journey to overcome addictive behaviour and patterns, turned into a transformation that broke me, completely and devastatingly, it broke my spirit, my soul, and my physical body. Little did I know, it was preparing me for the path that had already been chosen for me, the path leading towards the formation of a cosmic butterfly..

Essentially, everyone manifests their own reality, whether they do so in a manner that is conscious or unconscious is a different story. The practice involves nothing but consciousness. On a physical level, in order to lose weight, we become conscious of what we eat. Similarly, the thoughts we feed to our body, through our experiences and learnt knowledge manifests itself in our life as reality. For example, you wake up one morning on the wrong side of the bed and the first thought that comes into your mind, ‘’today is going to be a shitty day’’. That statement, that thought, manifests itself and you in reality have a shitty day. Alternatively, if you do wake up on the wrong side of the bed and close your eyes and tell yourself, today will be a beautiful day, and today I am courageous, motivated and kind. Trust me, that day; you will be courageous, motivated and kind. Awareness of our thoughts, intentions and beliefs is the practice of mindfulness, for when you are mindful you can manifest your own reality. Had a bad day at work, hate your boss. Not a problem. Send them love and forgiveness and you will observe how the universe takes part in this cosmic belief to manifest love and forgiveness for your boss not just in your heart but in their heart too!

The purpose of the exercise is simple. The universe awaits your kindness, the universe is waiting patiently for you to heed to the signs that she brings forth in your life, and hence through the practice of Prana Borboleta, the cosmic butterfly, you bow down to the universe and let it do its work for you.

The workshop comprises of allowing the participants to recognise their power of manifestation through various tools, exercises, discussions and empower them with the learning of utilising this manifestation for the benefit of their personal challenges as well as people around them. These include mindfulness exercises, meditation and opening up the energy works within your body to allow for this manifestation to be through self-awarded consciousness.

Join in for a journey that will transform your life!

To get in touch about the workshop, email at, with the subject line ‘’Prana Borboleta’’.

Age of Wonderland Hivos @BaltanLaboratories #AgeofWonderland #PranaBorboleta #100daysoflearning



Suniya Taimour

I am an environmental lawyer by profession and working on healing modalities including crystal healing, reiki energy, breath work, meditation, mindfulness.