DAY 4: What If…? An Alibi to Dream

By Roy Ombatti and Ahad Katera from Creative Garage, Nairobi, Kenia, 17 February 2017

Age of Wonderland
3 min readOct 18, 2017


The aim of this Day of Learning is to motivate imagination, allow for a moment to enter into a much needed state of suspended disbelief, give an alibi to dream, and stimulate creative thinking.

How? By asking the question ‘What if..?’

A small group of cultural entrepreneurs shared thinking about posing this question. We tried to actively inspire and encourage each other. At the end of the Day of Learning we painted some of the statements made during the day on some old wooden boards and created a playful activistic moment and had photos taken of all the participants with their signs.

Afterwards we visited a small exhibition at the Creative Garage. Cards and objects were made by the local refugee Ugandan LBGT community.

We ended the day by visiting Roy’s start up AB3D (Africa born 3D printing) nextdoor to the Creative Garage. He showed us the 3D printers they were building out of electronic waste. Roy told about the workshop he organized in a women’s prison and that he is invited by UNICEF and MIT to conduct a workshop about 3Dprinting in Khartoum, Sudan.

About 100 Days of Learning

Age of Wonderland 2017 presents 100 DAYS OF LEARNING, a global learning event to exchange valuable life experiences with peers. Doers and thinkers from around the world — innovators, scientists, engineers, artists, designers, social entrepreneurs — are invited to share their personal stories, ideas, and practice, not to be found in textbooks. Aim is to rediscover knowledge, challenge beliefs, and exchange life lessons with others. To make the world a better place, we need to embrace change on an individual level, and inspire others to do the same.

