DAY 73: A Sharing Scenario

By Merlijn Twaalfhoven, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 21 October 2017

Merlijn Twaalfhoven
3 min readDec 20, 2017


On the first day of the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven we opened the Peoples Pavilion on behalf of Age of Wonderland’s 100 Days of Learning.

How do you open a place that belongs to the people? How might we, instead of making music for the people, create a music experience of the people?

Below, you find our scenario. You can use it for your own gathering or encouner.

[00’00 — conductor creates silence with gesture]


What do you feel we need to learn in order to make the world a better place?


Can you think of something?


What of your personal knowledge would you like to share in order to make the world a better place?


If you think of something — can you whisper this a few times?


Could you understand the others?


Can you whisper carefully and listen too?


Imagine your knowledge & experience as fertile soil…

Which big plan, idea or dream might grow out of this the coming years?


Can you find two strangers and share your dream, whispering?


Can you find something in common?

What condition do the three of you all need?

(more time? Better friends? New pencils?)


Can you decide on a common need, and design one phrase, starting with:

We need …”


Please walk around, whisper this phrase — listen to others.

If you hear a phrase that’s more urgent than your own, adopt this new phrase, and join the other one, amplifying their phrase.


Thank you!

(let’s be silent again)




You know…

Age of Wonderland shares 100 Days of Learning.


Which learning do you want to remember?


Choose one — learn this phrase by heart.

We have everything we need around us to start.
Breath is a bridge between the body and the mind.

There are no jobs — but there is plenty of work to be done

Hold regular board meetings with yourself

When people start to help others — then the magic happens

One closed door leads to other closed doors

There is always enough!
Celebrate your small successes

Learning together is like earning together

Gratefulness links life and death.


Can you whisper your learning?


Look at the conductor.

Start your phrase with him.

[conductor gives cues. Divides crowd in 2, then in 4.

Makes crescendo/ diminuendo]


[choir after sudden stop conductor: soft whispering finds each other gradually:

“Whisper turned into a roar, as people joined and their voices gained confidence.”]

[singers start making a soft,clear tone]

[conductor: invites the audience]

[audience continues, softly. Singers support the crowd.]

[conductor can make waves in volume, define groups.]

[±14’00 ending.]


Thank you!

Performance by Merlijn Twaalfhoven

