Days of Learning activities during World Design Event

Eindhoven, the Netherlands 21–29 October 2017

Age of Wonderland
1 min readOct 16, 2017


Age of Wonderland is one of the programme partners of World Design Event, a new quadrennial event during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven (NL). It features a special focus on the future of our world, our cities, and the societal challenges we face.

Age of Wonderland is presenting 100 Days of Learning, in the context World Design Event from 21–29 October. This 4th edition is all about exchanging personal knowledge. The programme consists of a daily talk show, chaired by artist and Age of Wonderland curator Arne Hendriks in People’s Pavilion, Days of Learning: workshops, lectures and performances, plus an exhibition in Natlab.

Have a look at the whole programme of special activities at World Design Event, scroll through the agenda on the Age of Wonderland website . Participate for free. Some Days of Learning require a reservation due to limited seats.

