Understanding Linux Process Signals

A Brief Introduction to types of process signals, usage of kill and trap commands

Sahitya Maruvada
25 Days of Linux


Understanding signals are tricky in Linux. I have to be honest, I am not completely aware of all the types of signals that possibly exist, I only came across a few commonly used ones. This article provides an overview of commonly encountered signals and how to handle signals in a bash script.

What is a signal?

A signal is an event generated by the system in response to a specific condition. When a process receives a signal it may take an action. A standard signal has a default disposition and it determines the behavior of the process after it is delivered.

Signals can be sent to a process when the system detects a software event. It can either be a user-generated signal or a process generated signal. A kernel could also send a signal when a hardware event has occurred or to note that an I/O event is completed.

The default disposition for each standard signal can be one of the following options as specified in the manpage:

Term   Default action is to terminate the process.Ign    Default action is to ignore the signal.Core   Default action is to terminate the…



Sahitya Maruvada
25 Days of Linux

Tech and Travel Enthusiast!! Software Engineer by profession!! Writing on Medium is my way of giving back to the dev community 😃