Ah, the dilemmas…

Matjaž Šircelj
100 Days of Writing Challenge
2 min readDec 14, 2017

I feel like I’m growing apart from social media, although it’s my source of income as freelance social media strategist and copy/ghost/writer. But lately, it feels like I’m on a shore and social media is a boat fading behind the horizon, or vice versa, I’m the boat and social media is a beach, full of rocks and shallow pits.

Ah, the dilemmas. Dilemmas stop being dilemmas when you start thinking about them. When you start thinking about leaving your job, your network or your spouse, you have already decided. As Oracle said to Neo:

You have already made the choice. Now you have to understand it.

And when you accept that things in life change, your life becomes calmer, easier, less stressful. Social media is on a technological and media landscape that is forever changing. I love the technology when it’s useful, brings me new insights and ideas. And I try to avoid using it too much when it’s full of negativity.

So growing apart from what is a part of your work is a process. It’s something that you have to get through it. Like after the first two years of personal relationship. There is good on the other end. You also learn a lot about the relationship and yourself when you’re in a pit, lost like Alice in Wonderland. And every time I’m riding a wave of good vibrations with a new project, idea or community, I fell in love with the ideas I started with.

p.s. As I read again this blog post, it feels chaotic and doesn’t have a lot of sense. It’s like I was writing it drunk, except I didn’t. I wrote it from the draft from few days ago and finished it in the rainy afternoon with a headache.

But hey, not every thing in life can be perfect, right? ;)

